I Japan utspelar sig just nu en katastrof som vi ännu inte sett slutet på. Som om inte fredagens kraftiga jordbävning, som åtföljdes av våldsam tsunami, vore nog har även flera kärnkraftsreaktorer vid Fukushima havererat och släpper ifrån sig allt mer radioaktiv strålning. Som en direkt följd av detta skjuts årets Japanska GP upp till senare, och årets motorcykelmässa i Tokyo ”Tokyo Motorcycle Show” ställs in. Samtidigt kommer besked om att Honda, Suzuki, Kawasaki och Yamaha väljer att tillfälligt stänga flera av sina fabriker.


Till följd av katastrofen med jordbävningar, tsunami och radioaktivt utsläpp har arrangören av den 38:e motorcykelmässan ”Tokyo Motorcycle Show” valt att ställa in. Samtidigt har Dorna meddelat att årets Japanska GP på Twin Ring Motegi har flyttats från 24 april till den 2 oktober.

Den officiella anledningen till varför man valt att ställa in motorcykelmässan är främst på grund av omfattande problem med logistik och infrastruktur i stora delar av norra Japan. Själva mässhallarna har inte skadats rent fysiskt, även om området har drabbats av flera kraftiga skalv.

GP-banan Twin Ring Motegi är mer olyckligt placerad, mellan Tokyo och den kraftigt drabbade staden Sendai. Och infrastrukturen i området kring banan är kraftigt skadad. Dessutom har obekräftade uppgifter gjort gällande att även banan i sig har skadats. Samtidigt ligger banan kritiskt nära Fukushima där flera allvarligt skadade kärnkraftsreaktorer finns.

I Japan finns förutom rena motorcykeltillverkare, såsom Suzuki, Honda, Kawasaki och Yamaha även en uppsjö av underleverantörer som tillverkar olika motorcykelkomponter. Flera av dessa ligger i de värst drabbade området, och kan komma att påverka motorcykeltillverkningen under lång tid framöver.


Suzuki har avbrutit produktionen vid sex av sina japanska anläggningar, och däribland fabrikerna i Takatsuka och Toyokawa. Takatsukafabriken producerar motorcykelmotorer medan Toyokawafabriken huvudsakligen ansvarar för produktion och montering av motorcyklar. Fabrikerna stängde 14 mars och kommer till en början att vara stängda till och med 17 mars.


Honda har stoppat produktionen vid sex anläggningar, inklusive motorcykelfabriken i Kumamoto. Honda har också avbrutit all verksamhet i Tochigi-området, där en anställd avled och 30 skadades när ett hustak rasade till följd av fredagens kraftiga jordbävning.

Honda meddelar även att de kommer att bidra med 300 miljoner yen i katastrofhjälp och skänker 1 000 generatorer och 5 000 gasbehållare.


Meddelar att de bland annat kommer att bidra med 100 miljoner Yen till Katastrofhjälp. Dessutom kommer de se över möjligheterna att bidra med annat materiel,såsom generatorer och fordon till hjälparbetet.


Yamahas motorcykelfabriker uppges vara oskadade. Däremot har deras lokala säljkontor och butiker i Sendai drabbats av mindre skador.




Här följer Pressmeddelanden från Suzuki, Honda, Kawasaki och Yamaha:


Suzuki Motor Corporation expresses heartfelt sympathy to those affected by the earthquake in Japan.

Suzuki closed all Suzuki Motor Corporation plants in Japan on 14 March because Suzuki placed priority on the safety of all at subsidiaries and suppliers as well as their family members. Suzuki will suspend production at these plants on 15 and 16 March. The operation after 17 will be decided after we assess the situation.

Takatsuka Plant -  Motorcycle engines assembling and machining

Kosai Plant  - Passenger car assembling

Iwata Plant - Multi-purpose vehicle and commercial vehicle assembling

Toyokawa Plant - Motorcycles and outboard motor assembling

Sagara Plant - Passenger car assembling and Automobile engines assembling

Osuka Plant -  Foundry



Honda would like to express its deepest sympathy and condolences to the victims of The 2011 Off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake in northeastern Japan and our sincere hopes for the earliest possible relief and recovery of the affected areas.

Considering the current situation of the nationwide recovery efforts in Japan, Honda has decided the following:

· As of March 14, all production activities are suspended at the following Honda plants: Sayama Plant at Saitama Factory (Sayama, Saitama), Ogawa Plant (Ogawa-machi, Hiki-gun Saitama), Tochigi Factory (Moka, Tochigi), Hamamatsu Factory (Hamamatsu, Shizuoka) and Suzuka Factory (Suzuka, Mie).

· From March 15 through 20, Honda will suspend all production activities at its plants listed above as well as at Kumamoto Factory (Ozu-machi, Kikuchi-gun, Kumamoto).

· From March 14 through 20, Honda will suspend regular operations at all Honda facilities in the Tochigi area, where damage was more serious, (including Tochigi Factory, Honda R&D Co., Ltd. R&D Center (Tochigi) , Honda Engineering Co., Ltd., etc.), and focus on the recovery of each operation. Honda associates will not come to work during this time.

About aid for the victims of the earthquake

With the hope to contribute to the earliest possible relief and recovery of affected areas, Honda will provide the following aid

· 300 million yen toward the relief and recovery effort

· A total of 1,000 generators (gasoline-powered and home-use gas canister-powered), along with 5,000 gas canisters. Honda also will dispatch its staff to explain how to use the donated generators.




Everyone was affected by the earthquake off the northeastern Pacific Ocean this time, I would like sincere sympathy. As aid to victims of the earthquake stricken area, Kawasaki give 100 million yen donation.

We sincerely pray for the recovery of the affected areas as soon as possible.

The main production facility for Kawasaki motorcycles located at Akashi near Kobe in Japan was unaffected by last week’s earthquake according to staff at the huge industrial complex.

Relying on a large number of outside component suppliers and vendors, the company has now announced a plan to legislate for any issues arising from delayed parts which are usually delivered on a daily basis from companies across Japan.

With production targets met until 16 March, the factory will temporarily halt production on all but one production line on the 17th and 18th, suspending all production on March the 21st which is a National Holiday in Japan. Kawasaki’s Thailand based motorcycle factory remains unaffected by vendor supply issues and continues to manufacture mid-capacity motorcycles at full production levels.

Confident that any shortfall in production can be included in extra working during the rest of the month, the company is doing its best to combine the need to continue as a successful business with the understandable humanitarian issues that require urgent attention in the devastated regions of Japan.

“We hope that there will be no significant production delays and that the supply of motorcycles and spare parts will remain largely unaffected by any planned stoppages”, said Mr Yasushi Kawakami, the Managing Director of Kawasaki Motors Europe who is at the factory this week for a series of scheduled meetings. “Kawasaki staff in Japan, and across the world, would like to extend our deepest sympathies to those who continue to be affected by this terrible event”.



Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. has decided to suspend production temporarily at the following factories.

■Factories suspending production temporarily


Motorcycle factories (Iwata Main, Iwata South, Hamakita, Morimachi and Nakaze factories)
Dates closed: March 16, 17


Outboard Motor factories (Fukuroi South, Arai and Kuramatsu factories)
Dates closed: March 16, 17 (YKP* small model production will continue only on 16th)


Water Vehicle (PWC*) factory (Kuramatsu Factory)
Dates closed: March 16, 17


Automotive Engine factory (Iwata Main Factory)
Engine production for Toyota Motor Corporation suspended March 16, 17


Power Product factory (YMPC)*
ATV, Golf Car production suspended March 16, 17. However, Generator production will continue

All workplaces other than the above will operate on March 16, 17 as usual. Operations from March 18 onward will be decided in a meeting on March 17.


Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) wishes to express its sincere condolences for the victims of the devastating Eastern Japan Earthquake.
As part of the company’s contribution for aiding the fastest possible recovery of the affected regions, the following items of support will be provided.

Furthermore, the company will consider and initiate further contributions as the relieve efforts require.



Contribution of aid items (valued at approximately 100 million yen)


Inverter type generator

0.9 kVA to 2.5 kVA models

500 units


Drinking water / emergency food

Unit – 1 bottle (1.5ℓ)

4,000 bottles

Alpha rice / canned bread / miso soup, etc.

5,000 meals


Surgical masks

300,000 pieces



Monetary contribution

A donation campaign has been initiated among employees